Share Hope Fund

SHARE HOPE FUND: Child & Youth Mental Health Support
At Glad Tidings Church we know that mental health is a growing concern amongst our children and youth, and we would like to partner with families in our church and community at large, to provide subsidy for those who cannot afford access to counselling services.

Mental health concerns for children have been on the rise, especially throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to the growing need, Glad Tidings has created a fund to assist families who are in need of professional therapy and mental health care.  We want to invest in our children and families and support them with care through this difficult time.

Criteria and guidelines:

  • This funding is offered to children and youth up to age 17.
  • One application may be submitted per family.  
  • Gross family income must be less than $80,000 per year.
  • Families that have benefits must show that they have used their benefits first, before receiving additional funding through GT’s Share Hope fund.
  • Funding is based on a first come, first serve basis for those who meet the requirements.

Steps for applying for the Share Hope fund:

  • Email Pastor Cheryl for detail and the current application process -
  • Applicants will be contacted within 21 days of application submission to be informed of your application’s standing.