Church Life ~ Ministries


"It's Primetime People!"
Everyone needs to be connected.
Push yourself and then let your squad push you further.
Looking to Jesus, he's the centre of our lives. Jesus at the centre.
Unity. We come together, we can worship and learn together.


You are what you worship. You worship that which you behold. You behold that which you love. At GT, our Sunday worship gatherings are centred around beholding Jesus and learning to fall more in love with God. We worship God not for what we get out of it, but simply for who He is. However, in doing this, we begin to discover the very thing we were created for, to be worshipping image bearers of God.

We do this Sunday mornings through the modes of music and song, the preaching of the Scriptures, prayer, and the Sacraments of the church (Baptism and Communion). Our worship music is expressionate (Charismatic) as well as reflective (Contemplative).


We at GT believe in the absolute authority of the Scriptures and hold them as the standard from which we derive ultimate truth and meaning from. Our preaching is geared towards equipping the Church (body of believers) in what it means to live out their faith in their ordinary, everyday lives. We desire to go deep in our study of the Scriptures and allow it to both “Confront Us”, as well as “Comfort Us”. Our teachings from the Scripture help us better understand what it means to truly follow the Way of Jesus in our cultural moment.


We at GT believe in the power of prayer. We have an incredible prayer team that count it a privilege to be able to spend time with people praying at the end of our services for whatever situation one may be facing. We believe that God, through the Holy Spirit, can do so much to help set free and bring healing to the lives of His people, when we pray together. We at GT intentionally create these spaces in our Sunday services for prayer to be practiced as well as received.

Find a group that fits you.

3 pathways to Discipleship and Spiritual formation.

Connect groups, Life Groups  & Focus Groups.

As we progress out into a new season, Groups at GTBurlington are back up and running for 2023. We look forward to you connecting in these groups.

All the information you need is HERE

Seniors' Ministry - AMIGOS (55+)
Experience the Joy of Community!

Welcome to the 55+ Ministry at GTBurlington! Our church's 55+ Amigos group extends a warm embrace to all seniors seeking fellowship, friendship, and meaningful experiences. We're a community where wisdom meets laughter, and each day brings new opportunities to connect and grow together. Join us in this vibrant chapter of life; you're among friends here.


Have any questions or need assistance?
Feel free to reach out to our office at 905-335-8172. We're here to help!


Luncheons are typically held on the 3rd Thursday each month and breaks for summer!

At Glad Tidings, we are impacting the world for Christ
through partnering with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) Global Workers
as well as ministries who serve locally, in Canada, and around the world.

"For Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.
But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him?
And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him?
And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?
And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent?"

​Romans 10:8-18 (NTL)


The People We Partner with

Note from the pastor

Welcome to GTBurlington! It's a pleasure to meet you. - I'm Antonio, one of the pastors here. Whether you are just starting your faith journey or have been walking with God for many years, we are all family here at GT. We are all connected through our shared love of Jesus and strive to create a warm and welcoming environment for everyone. We are excited to get to know you and help you grow in your relationship with Jesus. Here at GT, we have so many opportunities for you to get involved and find your place in our community. I look forward to seeing you around!