A journey through REVELATION

Revelation Revisited

A Journey Through Timeless Truths

Our nine-week sermon series offers an exploration of the "Letters to the Seven Churches" in Revelation, chapters 1-3. We aim to demystify one of the Bible's most complex books by providing a fresh, informed perspective. Each week we will delve into the historical, cultural, and literary contexts of Revelation, challenging speculative interpretations that have often led to misunderstandings.

By examining the distinct literary style and symbolic language, the series will bring clarity and relevance to these ancient texts. We hope that this approach not only respects the historical richness of Revelation but also makes its profound messages accessible and meaningful to a contemporary congregation. Through this journey, attendees will gain a deeper, more nuanced understanding of a crucial part of their spiritual heritage.


Pastor Tim's Preaching on the Letters to the 7 Church
Will be posted here after the service.
Continue the Series in Prayer
Join us for Midweek Prayer School


Updated WEEKLY


Common Prayer

Living God, Father of light,
hope of nations, friend of sinners,
builder of the city that is to come:
your love is made visible in Jesus Christ,
you bring home the lost, restore the sinner
and give dignity to the despised.
In the face of Jesus Christ
your light shines out,
flooding lives with goodness and truth,
gathering into one a divided and broken humanity.
With people from every race and nation,
with the Church of all the ages,
with apostles, evangelists and martyrs,
we join the angels of heaven in their unending song crying – “Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and still is to come” – Amen!